Spring is Coming!

KD Landscaping offers mulch in a variety of colors and lengths.
Why should you use mulch??
Mulch is not only ascetically pleasing, but can help you save time and money in maintenance. Mulch limits the soil’s exposure to sun and can help reduce the amount of weeds in your mulch beds. Adding the right amount of mulch to your beds reduced the frequency of watering since mulch holds water and keeps moisture locked in the soil.
Why should you call us to mulch your home?
Here at KD Landscaping we pride ourselves on getting the job done in a timely manner. We will do what it takes to meet all of your request no matter how big or small. We will gladly bring one of our three mulches to your home, clean the beds, and spread the mulch to the appropriate thickness for optimal coverage. We can also apply a granular pre-emergent, before the mulch goes down, that will further reduce weeds or unwanted vegetation in your mulch beds.
Let's Get Started
Your perfect outdoor living space awaits. Get in touch with us today.