It’s Time to Start Thinking about: Lawn Applications

Why Should You Fertilize Your Lawn?

Everyone knows the importance of water and sunlight, but do you know that your soil might be lacking key ingredients? Just like your body, your soil needs nutrients to be healthy. Instead of carbs and proteins, your lawn needs nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. These three nutrients make up the fertilizer that we apply to your lawn. Fertilizing your lawn will help it look and feel better than ever.

6 Applications

  • 1ST ROUND:
    •  granular fertilizer with herbicide and pre-emergent to help control crabgrass.
    • applied late March
  • 2ND ROUND:
    • liquid herbicide to combat dandelions.
    • applied late April
  • 3RD ROUND:
    • granular fertilizer with herbicide and pre-emergent for continued crabgrass control.
    • applied near early May
  • 4TH ROUND:
    • slow release granular fertilizer.
    • applied late June to early July
  • 5TH ROUND:
    • granular slow release fertilizer with a liquid blanket herbicide.
    • applied near early September
  • 6TH ROUND:
    • granular fertilizer.
    • applied late November or early December
    • elective treatment that will kill the grubs as they are hatching
    • works best when applied late July

Additional Services

  • Weekly Mowing:includes mowing, trimming driveway and walks, and blowing off grass. Bi-Weekly mowing is offered, but not recommended for lawn health.
  • Spring Dethatching: Removing a laying of organic buildup which prevents your lawn from absorbing nutrients, water, and air.
  • Fall Aeration with Seed:used to promote the circulation of water and nutrients.
  • Learn About Aeration: http://
  • Free Service Calls: spot spraying if weeds persist 10 to 14 days after lawn treatment

Lawn fertilizer can help make your lawn look and feel better than ever. By giving your soil key nutrients, your lawn will look so nice even your neighbors will be jealous. Give KD Landscaping a chance to transform your lawn, you will not be disappointed. Call 317-896-9180 today!

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Your perfect outdoor living space awaits. Get in touch with us today.